


Results for the week ending Sunday 20 March

Women – Sat 12 Mar & Wed 16 Mar (stableford)

Kerryn Greaves                 44 pts    $20

Jennie McKelvie                41           $18

Jennie McKelvie                40           $15

Anne Schnell                      39           $12

Judy McPherson               38           $10

Sharon Boxall                     36           $9

Kere Meha                          36           $9

Valma Laurent                   36           $9

Kathy Henderson             35           $7

Jill Shirkey                           35           $7

Lesley Radovanovich      35           $7

Mandy Jones                     35           $7

Cindy Gordon                    35           $7

Kate Shannon                    34           $6

Gillian Martin                     34           $6

Karlene Wright                  34           $6

Rebecca Ward                   34           $6

Marg MacLeod                  34           $6

Locheen Howie                 34           $6

Two’s                    17th         Gaynor Ruawai                  $10

Mixed 9 Holers Thurs 17 Mar (stableford)

Diane Corbett                    20 pts    $12

Bob Dann                            19           $8

Krista Evans                        18           $4

Don MacBeth                    17           $3

Thurs Green Jacket 17 Mar (stableford)

Max Kinsey                         40 pts    $20

Darryl De Ridder               38           $15

Scott Donald                      37           $10

Maurice Plimmer             37           $10

Gary Worsley                     36           $8

Steve Cox                            36           $8

Bill Hare                               36           $8

Shane Turner                     36           $8

Bill Riordan                         36           $8

Paul Gavegan                    36           $8

Roger Humphrey              35           $6

Damian Walker                 35           $6

Tomas Shaw                       35           $6

Ted Shannon                     35           $6

Mark Cvitanovich             35           $6

NTP 9th                                  Ted Shannon                     $20

NTP 17th                                       Allan Lun                              Speights Voucher

Hidden Holes 5 & 12       Bill Riordan                         7pts

Pink Ball                              Gordon Smith                    25pts

Two’s                    2nd          Max Kinsey                         $8

4th           Damian Walker                 $8

                                4th           Allan Brown                        $8

                                4th           Ted Shannon                     $8

                                11th         Herrick Perry                      $8

                                11th         Wayne White                     $8

                                11th         Mike Atkins                        $8

Women – Sat 19 Mar (par) **Pro Comp split due to Premier Challenge tournament**

Cindy Gordon                    3up        $20

Fiona Donald                      2up        $12

Gaynor Ruawai                  2up        $12

Zara Lynch                           2up        $12

Kerryn Greaves                 1up        $8

Kere Meha                          1up        $8

Two’s                    2nd          Kere Meha                          $10

                                4th           Kerryn Greaves                 $10

Saturday 19 Mar – Men’s Club Day (stableford)

Hamish Watson                 50 pts    $35

Scott Sutherland              43           $25

Rodney Buick                     41           $20

Fuzz Statham                     40           $15

Kelvin Orr                            39           $10

Trevor Schroder                                39           $10

Madden Chittenden       39           $10

Grant Burrell                      38           $8

Guido Beijersbergen      38           $8

Gary Worsley                     38           $8

David Davenport              38           $8

Sam Hitchman                   38           $8

Cliff Lally                              38           $8

John Shirkey                       38           $8

Chucky Hunter                  37           $7

Heath Chittenden            37           $7

Chad Simeon-Benge       37           $7

Darryl De Ridder               36           $6

Phil Engelbrecht               36           $6

Bill Riordan                         36           $6

Brandon Perry                   36           $6

Scott Donald                      36           $6

Bruce Gibson                     36           $6

NTP 9th                  Guido Beijersbergen      $20

NTP 17th               Scott Sutherland              $20

Best Gross          Scott Sutherland              67           $20

Two’s                    4th           Damian Walker                 $15

                                4th           Scott Worsley                    $15

                                11th         Damian Walker                 $15

                                11th         Hamish Watson                $15

She Loves Golf Haggle – Sun 20 Mar (stableford)

Ricelle Ebert                       20 pts    $8

Maureen Shannon          17           $4

Sunday Haggle – Sun 20 Mar (stableford)

Wayne Richards                                40 pts    $15

Bobby Te Mataki              38           $10

Chad Simeon-Benge       37           $6

Lee Welsh                           37           $6

David Davenport              37           $6

NTP 9th                  John Coleman    $10

Two’s                    2nd          David Davenport              $8

                                17th         John Graham                     $8

                                17th         Bobby Te Mataki              $8

Just in: new club polo’s. The same as our pennants team’s polo’s, extra stock is now in the shop for sale for $59.95 each. Limited sizes in men’s and women’s available, so grab one while you can! PS: men’s size large still on back-order – hopefully due to arrive within the week.

If you are unsure as to your needs, come and talk to either Lisa or Sharon – we are only too happy to help you out.

Good golfing!

Lisa and Sharon

Your friendly Feilding Golf Shop team

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