


The shop welcomes Reuben Macnamara as a new member of staff. Reuben has years of experience in golf and his knowledge will be a great benefit you, the members. Please welcome Reuben next time you are in the shop.

Results for the week ending Sunday 1 May 2022

Anzac Day Open Tournament – Mon 25 Apr (stableford)

1st mens               Olly Carrodus                     41 pts    $200      and Maadi Plate Winner

2nd mens              Wayne Richards                                40           $150

3rd mens              Madden Chittenden       40           $100

1st womens        Fiona Donald                      38           $200

2nd womens       Judy McPherson               37           $150

3rd womens        Rona Lawson-Jones        36           $100

Overall                 Seb Baker                            39           $50

                                Rob Hunter                         39           $50

                                Trevor Gardner                 39           $50

                                Dan Flanagan                     38           $45

                                Sam Neilson                       37           $40

                                Phil Engelbrecht               37           $40

                                Jeff Dickins                          37           $40

                                Max Kinsey                         37           $40

                                Peter Thompson              37           $40

                                Steve Cox                            37           $40

                                Reuben Macnamara       36           $35

                                Warren Herbert                36           $35 (Manawatu GC)

                                Stru Jones                           35           $30

                                Paul Wolland                      35           $30

                                Nicki Williams                     35           $30

                                Anne Schnell                      35           $30

                                Gary Melton                       35           $30

                                Sam Clapham                     34           $25

                                Ray Morris                          34           $25

                                Damian Walker                 34           $25

                                Tim Adlam                          34           $25 (Manawatu GC and special Speights Alehouse sponsor)

                                Don McPherson                34           $25

                                Lisa Herbert                       34           $25

                                Jonty Kay                             34           $25

                                Roddy McCabe                  34           $25

                                Jared Seymour                  33           $20

                                Fuzz Statham                     33           $20

                                Ian Blunden                        33           $20

                                Jess Williams                      33           $20

                                Tomas Shaw                       33           $20

                                Stu Donald                          33           $20

                                Mike Tuohy                        33           $20

                                Mark Cvitanovich             33           $20

                                Kevin Clapham                  33           $20

                                Don McCrone                    33           $20

                                Ross Goldsmid                   33           $20

                                Trevor Ward                       33           $20

                                Von Walker                         33           $20

                                Gaynor Ruawai                  33           $20

NTP 2nd (men)                    Tawio Makene                  Speights Voucher

NTP 4th (women)             Lisa Herbert                       Speights Voucher

NTP 9th  (men)                   Heath Chittenden            Speights Voucher

NTP 11th (all)                     Phoenix Bailey                   $50

NTP 17th (women)           Lisa Herbert                       Speights Voucher

Two’s                    2nd          Steve Lochhead                $25

                                2nd          David Davenport              $25

                                2nd          Tawio Makene                  $25

                                4th           Lee Welsh                           $25

                                5th           Jeff Dickins                          $25 EAGLE

                                9th           Damian Walker                 $25

                                9th           Ethan Ward                        $25

                                9th           John Graham                     $25

                                9th           Madden Chittenden       $25

                                9th           Max Kinsey                         $25

                                9th           Rob Hunter                         $25

                                9th           Gary Melton                       $25

                                11th         Damian Walker                 $25

                                11th         Phoenix Bailey                   $25

                                17th         Lisa Herbert                       $25

                                17th         Allan Lun                              $25

                                17th         Rayden Moore-Feuu      $25

                                17th         Trevor Gardner                 $25

                                17th         Tomas Shaw                       $25                        

Women – Sat 23 Apr & Wed 27 Apr (stableford)

Ricelle Ebert                       41 pts    $20

Kathy Henderson             40           $15

Mary Smith                         38           $12

Jo Beijersbergen              38           $12

Janis Jeffers                       38           $12

Fiona Donald                      37           $10

Sharon Boxall                     37           $10

Gaynor Ruawai                  37           $10

Jo Belcher                           37           $10

Anne Schnell                      37           $10

Marg MacLeod                  37           $10

Kate Shannon                    36           $8

Christine Gardner            36           $8

Gillian Martin                     36           $8

Two’s                    2nd          Kerryn Greaves                 $18

4th           Gaynor Ruawai                  $18

                                9th           Andrea Sutherland          $18

Mixed 9 Holers – Thurs 28 Apr (net)

Lloyd Evans                         31 net   $10

John Gregory                     33           $7

Darryl Warren                   34           $5

Bill Smith                             35           $4

Stan Jones                          36           $3

Thurs Green Jacket 28 Apr (stableford)

Stu Sutherland                  42 pts    $20

Allan Brown                        42           $20

Mark Mohekey                 42           $20

Ross Pratt                            40           $18

Steve Cox                            39           $15

Dennis Humphrey            38           $10

Mike Tuohy                        38           $10

Ian Blunden                        38           $10

David Mills                          37           $8

Craig McNeill                     37           $8

Rennie Young                    37           $8

Bruce Polson                      37           $8

Heath Chittenden            37           $8

Scott Worsley                    37           $8

Damian Walker                 36           $6

Gary Worsley                     36           $6

NTP 2nd                                         Cam MacLeod                   Speights Voucher

NTP 9th                                  Phil Engelbrecht               $15

Hidden Holes 7 & 10       Stu Sutherland                  7 pts

Pink Ball                              Russell Kane                       25 pts

Two’s                    2nd          Cam MacLeod                   $8

                                2nd          Mike Tuohy                        $8

                                4th           Gary Worsley                     $8

                                4th           Scott Worsley                    $8

                                4th           Stu Donald                          $8

                                4th           Seb Baker                            $8

                                4th           Heath Chittenden            $8

                                11th         Rennie Young                    $8

                                17th         Reuben Macnamara       $8

Friday Haggle 29 Apr (stableford)

Peter Thompson              37 pts    $15

Gordon Smith                    37           $15

Reuben Macnamara       35           $10

Ian Measey                        34           $5

Mary Smith                         34           $5

Saturday 30 Apr – Men’s Club Day

(Irish stableford = first 6 holes normal stbfd, second 6 holes multiply by 2, third 6 holes multiply by 3)

Guido Beijersbergen      80 pts    $24

Sam Hitchman                   77           $22

Maurice Stewart              76           $20

Paul Roberts                      76           $20

Terry Urquhart                  75           $18

Kerry Williams                    75           $18

Kelvin Orr                            75           $18

Don McCrone                    74           $16

Keith Edmonds                  74           $16

Dennis Humphrey            73           $14

Roddy McCabe                  72           $12

Geoff Baker                        72           $12

Ray Morris                          72           $12

Tawio Makene                  71           $10

Bill Riordan                         71           $10

Terry Bird                            71           $10

Wayne Brooks                   70           $9

Brandon Perry                   70           $9

Mark Anderson                69           $8

Rayden Moore-Feuu      68           $7

Peter Thompson              68           $7

Trevor Schroder                                68           $7

Olly Carrodus                     67           $6

Paul King                              67           $6

Theo Gambitsis                 67           $6

Scott Sutherland              67           $6

NTP 9th                  Damian Walker                                 $15

NTP 17th               Olly Carrodus                                     $15

Best Gross          Roddy McCabe                  74           $15

Two’s                    4th           Sam Hitchman                   $15

                                4th           Naina Ruawhare               $15

                                4th           Paul Gavegan                    $15

                                4th           Don McCrone                    $15

                                4th           Tomas Shaw                       $15

Sunday Haggle 1 May (stableford)

Von Walker                         43 pts    $14

Chad Simeon-Benge       37           $9

Lee Welsh                           33           $8

Piki Toa                                 32           $6

Tim Woodward                 32           $6

NTP 9th                  Von Walker                                         $10

Two’s                    11th         Von Walker                         $6

17th         Chad Simeon-Benge       $6

She Loves Golf Haggle – Sunday 1 May (stableford)

Maureen Shannon          22 pts    $6

Georgina Campbell          22           $6

Mary McGovern               19           $4

Anita McCool                     19           $4

Titleist SM9 Wedges have arrived!

Demo clubs available in the shop for you to try.

Come and talk to the shop staff about which grind suits your game best

If you are unsure as to your needs, come and talk to either Lisa, Sharon or Reuben – we are only too happy to help you out.

Good golfing!

Lisa, Sharon & Reuben

Your friendly Feilding Golf Shop team

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